I hate titles (Don’t think this is about titles at all)

I’ve mentioned once or twice that I’d grafted one part of my Shetland Shawl to the other part. I can tell now that it’s going to be a very small shawl — it was in one of those rare moments of knitter clarity I saw this. Still though, it’ll be pretty. Maybe I can convert it into some kind of a Shetland curtain.

As an aside, I would like to point out that I have issues with curtains. I love them and think that they’re pretty, but I hate that they keep light out. I would sooner have natural light than anything else, and only during the hottest days of summer can I be convinced to pull down my blinds, to keep the sun out of my upstairs, 90+ bedroom.

Anyway, I started the edging for another piece of this yesterday, plaining on working at it at knitting. I’m starting to get close, somewhat close with this one, (still a lot of knitting left) and I really would like to finish this off soon. Granted, I want to finish everything on the needles soon. (Fishtrap Aran? Oh, I must get a move on. )

I forgot the chart at home though, so I had to work on my “backup project”. It was a sock, a soon to be Present and I was very glad to get a move with this one too. I knit about half a sock in an evening, so really, if I worked on this thing all day (not all day, you know what I mean) I could probably knit it all in a day. Cool huh? I have this holiday thing so licked.

(Don’t mention this to me till January, at least.)

Anyway, now that I’m in possesion of a decent hat making needle, it’s probably about time to start thinking about Tams. She said to experiment with them. What fun. Experimentation takes time though, and that’s something that I am running out of. (Overslept, and when you mostly work from home, this can be dangerous. ) Maybe this weekend I’ll pull Alice Starmore’s book on Fair Isle knitting and play with some of her patterns and charts. (Making careful not to violate copyright law. We don’t want that again!)

Last night one of the knitters gave some yarn she didn’t want. She does this often, and I gleefully accept. (She introduced me to Cascade 220. And Sari Silk. I feel sacred touching it.) It’s a cotton-wool blend, in a lovely red. She said that she started many projects with it, but just couldn’t make it work. (Doesn’t bode well for me.) Anyway, last night I pulled this out of the bag.

Not the real color, it’s darker, nicer.

“Claptois!” I laughed so hard and thought that was way more funny than it really was. It returns. (It also made me think of Silvia, who called hers “The Clap,” and these were the same knitters who named my sweater “The Gonarreah sweater.” It was much more funny inside my head.



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